
In June, we were joined by four new interns: Tiffani Buchanan, Ben Rogers, Kylie Frizell, and Kaylee Kohne. Each individual member of the team has been given a role: cooking, maintenance, English teaching, and communications. But their internship is about more than the roles they fill.

Lead by Julie Lundberg, the team has been reading through Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer and The Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster. The study of these texts, paired with a routine of individual morning Bible reading, has been challenging these young people to continue seeking after Christ and fixing their eyes on Him alone.

They have lived as missionaries—learning to do everything, even the mundane, to the glory of God. They’ve swept floors, cleaned sheets, and washed dishes. They’ve built and written and taught and cooked. But mostly, they’ve gained larger hearts set on service to the Lord.

It’s hard to capture the intern experience—especially since so much of it is growing in each individual’s walk with the Lord. Ben and Tiffani, Kaylee and Kylie—and Ryan, Alicia, Debbie, Julie, and Katie before them—all have different stories and God’s taught them all different things. The commonality, though, is that God has revealed Himself and done a work in each of them.

He’s built this group into a fun, laughing, and fiercely loving genuine team.

They have enjoyed great adventures on the weekends, along with some of our national staff. Recently they did a road trip to Paracas. While there, they visited the national park, danced on the beach, swam in the Pacific Ocean, saw penguins and sea lions, and took quite a few selfies ☺.

We are so thankful that God has brought them here, for the work that they’ve done, and the work that God has done in them. Please be praying for them, that they will continue to grow in community both with each other and with the Lord.

If you’d like more information about internships at Esperanza de Ana, click here.