Entreprenuers and Trade Masters
/Meet our young entrepreneurs...
Our high school students are learning how to run their own business through hands-on experience this summer. They opened up their very own 'tienda’ (shop). Each student has a specific role within the business, from strategic planning, resource management, marketing, accounting and more. They are learning the principles of managing a self-owned business and applying them. Through investigative outings, they have researched local entreprueners in their community and preformed a market study to inform their class-led business plan.
The class determined their target audience would be Valentine’s day beach-goers. They are currently making love and friendship themed keychains and artisan crafts to sell for Valentine's day. This coming week they will be heading out to the beaches to put their business plan to the test.
We are amazed by their creativity and ingenuity! Ana, has done an exceptional job at guiding and motivating our high schoolers in this student-lead business project. Wish them success!
...and Masters of the trade
Another unique opportunity this summer season brings, is intentional discipleship and training for two of our older high school boys, Alex and Hugo. These two are approaching their last year of school and thinking about their futures. We are enjoying watching them grow and mature as they complete an intership at Esperanza de Ana.
Carlos, the staff member who leads in the care and maintenance of the property, has not only been teaching these boys practical skills of the construction trade, but investing them personally. His heart is to see these boys grow in their character, as well as practical knowledge. He sets an example of a loving and caring father for these two young men.
We also loved having Alliance Christian Fellowship, a group of Penn State college students, serving alongside our high school boys in a construction project this past January. ACF brought a joy and dedication to the work that spoke miles.
Pray with us over Alex and Hugo as they make plans for their future.