Ten Years Later, A Shining Example in Missions
/May was Alliance Christian Fellowship's (ACF) second visit to Peru in 2018. (See David Espinoza's photo work from their first trip in A Walk to Remember.)
This Penn State college student church led the fundraising efforts for Esperanza de Ana's first building project in 2007. They raised ~$100,000 in under one year. Then, about sixty ACF students came in January of 2008 to begin the construction work. Now those students are ACF Alum, they have graduated, several have started families, and many still partner with EA.
Ten years later, in 2018, we are still strengthened greatly by the these passionate young women and men, this new generation of ACF’ers. As a church, their long-term commitment and multi-level participation with EA demonstrates true personal relationship in foreign mission service and to field missionaries.
From the bottom of our hearts, ACF, we say thank you.