Curilla Family Prayer Request
/The Curilla children were deserted by their mother in 2015. Their father, Luis Sr, had a broken heart and he did not know how to tell his children what had happened. So, the kids believed that their mother had been kidnapped.
About two weeks ago, Luis fell over 20 feet and breaking his neck and skull. Doctor's found a tumor in his brain. He is not paralyzed. The doctor’s are amazed he even lived.
The children, Luis Jr, Cecilia, and Emma, all receive education scholarships from EA and are in part-time residential care. They have been recovering from abandonment by their momma. One of the greatest fears of Luis, the son, has been losing his father, too.
When Luis first came he had several symptoms of extreme anxiety. Sometimes he would have panic attacks, violently trembling and unable to bend at his joints. Through receiving loving-care and security at EA most of of his symptoms have gone away, his heart is healing.
We had much concern that the news of his father’s fall would set him back. Praise God. He has grown so much in confidence through the care of our staff, so far he has walked through this time of crisis with little anxiety. We continue to watch him closely.
Left to right: Cecilia, Luis sr, emma, and luis jr
Irma and Eddy visited Luis Sr again a few days ago, he remains in grave condition and the health care system says they must send him home. His father and a sibling have come in from the jungle to help care for him. An aunt by marriage has been with the kids on the weekends. She is an amazing woman; the children are receiving necessary emotional support from her, too.
Please pray for Luis Sr' healing and for our staff as the care for the children. Pray that as this process goes on that Luis Jr will know peace and continue to grow and heal. Pray that we will know how much additional help to give the family as the circumstances continue.